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What is a prop bet?

Posted by Steve Leighton

In team sports betting, a prop bet is a wager on the specific outcome of a certain action or non-action during a game. The prop bet is not directly affected by the final score or outcome of the game. The term “prop” is short for proposition.

As an example, the one of the first prop bets of every Super Bowl is the coin toss. Another example which occurs during the early part of game is betting on which player will score the first points of the game. The odds makers in Vegas set the line on each of these prop bets. For the coin toss, the odds are even money. For the player that scores the first points, the odds will be set on each player based on the probability of that player scoring. High profile players which have scored frequently during the season will be assigned lower odds. Players that do not score often will be assigned higher odds.

Prop bets have become more popular in the recent years, especially during the Super Bowl. The long list of prop bets that were available during the most recent Super Bowl can be reviewed using this link: Super Bowl Prop Bets

Sports Line Unlimited by Steve Leighton

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